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October 02, 2006



I agree it is the pairing, the balance with food.

Do you think restaurants are the best way to help a wine penetrate the US market?

Terry Hughes

Good question. For those without the big bucks to spend on marketing and PR, it seems to be the easiest means of doing so. Egle Armani and her importer told me the same thing.

Retail, for all its cut-throat pricing and difficulties, is of course necessary at some point. If you love a wine at a restaurant but can't buy it to take home, what's the point of someone like Gianpaolo dealing with all the BS to get it over here in the first place?


Ciao Terry, grazie mille per la bellissima ora passata insieme. Domani rientro, è stato un giro interessantissimo e mi riprometto di postare un commento ampio.

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